It sucks to be…

A Washington Nationals Fannatsfan
For starters, the Natinals have the worst record in the MLB, which should be enough to justify why it sucks to be a fan.  However, Ryan Zimmerman’s 30-game hitting streak came to an end Wednesday when he went 0-3 against Barry Zito, leaving Washington fans with nothing to look forward to anytime soon.

Manny Ramirez
Yeah, yeah, yeah.  How can it possibly suck to make $20-million a year to swing a bat and stand in left field?  MannyDodgersWhen you get suspended 50 games for testing positive for a female fertility drug; that’s how.  While he’s still gonna be laughing all the way to the bank at the end of the season, at least it’s demoralizing, if Manny even has morals…

Josh McDaniels
Patriots Football
I hope McDaniels doesn’t plan on coaching in Denver in 2010.   Why?  Because he may be the victim of a hired gun hired by a group of disgruntled Broncos fans.  Although he may put up a decent fight, since it takes a lot of balls to come in as head coach of a new team and trade your young talented quarterback away as your first move.

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