Grilled Chicken Caesar Sandwich

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I love America and most of the things that make it the country that it is, so I figured I ought to do something American to honor it. There’s nothing more American than taking something healthy and making it unhealthy, so take a gander at this.

What you need:

  • Italian flavored chicken (Purdue makes a good pre-packaged one)
  • Lettuce
  • Croutons
  • Crispy onion salad toppers
  • Mozzarella cheese
  • Caesar dressing
  • Flour tortilla
  • Butter
  • Non-stick pan

Now you’re probably wondering, “what the hell are crispy onion salad toppers?” So glad you asked. To be honest, I’m not even sure if they’re onions, but they taste phenomenal, and they’re right next to the croutons in the grocery store.

The salad mix.

In a small bowl, mix up your chicken, lettuce, croutons, crispy onions, cheese, and dressing. The amounts aren’t too important. Refer to the picture of the bowl for the right amount. It’s basically like making a small salad for yourself. Heat your pan to medium heat and butter it up. Put your flour tortilla on and sprinkle cheese on it. Let it cook for a few minutes until you start to see the cheese melt and the bottom start to brown. Next add the salad mix and fold over the tortilla and press down on it with the spatula until the melted cheese starts to stick to the salad mix. Doing this will make sure the tortilla doesn’t open up while its cooking, or when you go to flip it. We don’t need lettuce and whatnot flying all over the place now do we.

This is what it should look like before you fold it over.

Cook it for 3 minutes and then flip it and cook it for another 3, and you’ve got yourself some lunch. So sit back, relax, and eat two of them; one for yourself and one for America, cause at least now you’ve got health care for when your heart fails.

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