Archive for taco bell

Homemade Burrito

Posted in Cooking, Easy recipes, Food, Recipes with tags , , , , , , , , , , , on April 8, 2010 by st3vo88

Delicious homemade burrito without the aftermath of Taco Bell. Yeah, you know what I'm talking about.

I love Mexican food, or “border food” as this would probably be referred to by anyone from Mexico, so I decided to whip up something I’d never made before and throw it in a burrito. Then I realized it would probably go great in a taco or quesadilla too.  Then I realized that a great deal of Mexican food is essentially the same thing, so you could really make whatever you wanted out of this. This recipe makes enough for 2 burritos, or one enormous burrito if you can stomach it.

What you need:

  • Ground beef
  • Onion
  • Red pepper
  • Jalapeno
  • Potato
  • Shredded cheddar cheese
  • Taco seasoning
  • Olive oil
  • Flour tortilla or wrap
Cooked ground beef

Cooked ground beef

Beef: Mix 1/2 lb ground beef, 2 tbsp of taco seasoning, and 4 tbsp of water together in a bowl and mash it up so the seasoning mixes in with the meat. Cook on medium heat for 5-7 minutes or until brown. While its cooking, you can start cutting up your vegetables for the next step. Once it’s done, put it in a bowl and cover it with aluminum foil to keep warm.


Red pepper, jalapeno, and onion sauteing in olive oil.

Peppers and Onion: Dice up 1 jalapeno, 1/2 of a red pepper, and a 1/2 inch thick slice of onion. In the same pan you cooked the beef in (this adds more flavor to the vegetables), saute them on medium heat in 1 tbsp of olive oil for 5-7 minutes, or when the onions start to caramelize. Once they’re done, put the aside in a bowl like with the beef and use the same pan for the potatoes.


Potatoes sauteing. A little extra brown from the leftover taco seasoning in the pan.

Potato: Peel and dice up one medium sized potato. Add a dash of olive oil to the pan and cook the potatoes, covered, on medium for 10 minutes. Mix them around every few minutes so they cook evenly.

Burrito filling for one

Once the potatoes are done, throw your beef and vegetables in to the pan with them and mix it all up. Sprinkle as much cheddar cheese as desired on top of it and let it melt. Once it’s melted, scoop it on to your flour tortilla, roll it up and devour. Dang.