Archive for unauthentic mexican cuisine

Breakfast Taco

Posted in Cooking, Easy recipes, Food, Recipes with tags , , , , on March 16, 2010 by st3vo88

What’s that you say? You want Mexican food for breakfast? Well, you’ve come to the wrong place, because there’s nothing Mexican about this taco. But if you’re looking to try something different for breakfast, you should give this a whirl.

What you need:

  • Non-stick pan with a lid (and a second pan if you want. Makes it a little easier.)
  • 2 eggs
  • Flour tortillas
  • Sargento taco flavored shredded cheese (or you can use whatever kind of shredded cheese, but it’s a taco so why wouldn’t you use the taco flavored)
  • 1 potato
  • 1 sausage (fully cooked. I recommend cajun style)
  • Half and half cream
  • Buttah
  • Salt and pepper

Hash browns with sausage

Hash brown filling: This recipe makes enough for two breakfast tacos. Preheat your pan on medium/high heat. Peel one potato and cut it up in to small pieces (refer to the picture for size). Cut up the sausage in to small pieces and put it in the pan with the potatoes. Melt 1 tablespoon of butter in a small bowl and pour it evenly over the potatoes and sausage. Sprinkle some salt and pepper over it and put the lid on. This is the fun part because you’re about to feel like a real cook. Pick up the pan and start shaking it. There’s really no technique to this as long as everything in the pan is getting mixed up, but I’d hold the cover with the other hand if you’re really gonna rock out just to avoid any casualties. Once you’re done shaking it, adjust the potatoes with your spatula so that as many as possible are touching the pan and put the lid back on. Flip them over after 10 minutes. They should take around 15-18 minutes to cook. When the hash browns are close to done (like in the picture), start cooking the taco shell (unless you’re only using one pan, then you get to wait.)

Taco Shell: Heat your pan on medium and butter it up. Crack your two eggs, add a dash of cream and mix it up. Once the pan is hot, pour the eggs in. Rotate the pan to allow the uncooked egg to go to the edge if the pan, and if you’ve read my last recipe, you know the spatula trick.

The cheese-melting, tortilla-grilling process.

When the top of the egg starts to become solid, run your spatula around the outside of the egg to separate it from the edge of the pan. Now use your spatula to slide the egg out on to a plate and flip it back on the pan, or if you’ve got it in you, flip it up in the air and catch it in the pan like a bad ass. I haven’t quite got it down yet, but some day… I digress. It should only take about 30 seconds to cook the other side of the egg. After that, slide it back on the plate, and butter up the pan.

The breakfast taco

Now take your tortilla and put it in the pan. Sprinkle your taco cheese (because thats what it better be) all over the tortilla, and then put the egg on top. Put the hash browns in the middle and sprinkle some cheese on top of them. Let that cook until the bottom of the tortilla is a nice golden brown. Once it’s ready, take your spatula and fold the entire thing in half and commence stuffing your face. Try it with ketchup, hot sauce, salsa, or whatever else you’d put on any of the foods that are in this concoction, but take it easy on the sour cream.